Saturday, 30 May 2020

Transformers Platinum Edition Year of the Goat Optimus Prime

What a mouthful title...

This was probably my last haul back in 2015, a release that coincided with the Year of the Goat. Goat was the animal zodiac that Chinese New Year. This was basically a redeco of G2 Laser Prime and Scourge (i.e. same mold, different colors) Only setback, it wasn't red in color, something that is synonymous with Chinese New Year...

Front of the box

Back of the box

Box flap

... but rather, this piece came in translucent plastic, with chrome and brown parts...
... and OMG, pink missiles!

Truck mode

Alternate mode

Robot mode


Zooming in...
Can you see the "Year of the Goat" Autobot symbol on trailer?

More symbol...

Side-by-side with Scourge for both robot and trailer...

We are brothers... from different mothers

Turning the trailer into base mode / battle station mode...

... with Prime manning the station

Guess what happened when I turned the trailer into base mode? The problem when you keep a piece MISB for such a long time...sigh... so, playability was kept to bare minimum.

Crap...brittle parts!

This Prime is also a retool as previously, you can find the G2 Autobot symbol on the disc-shaped missiles which is now conspicuously missing.

Yes, I am aware that this review is 5 years late but hey, better late than never right? Besides, I still have the original G2 Laser Primes of Justice, yet to be reviewed and happily sealed. On second thought, I think it's best I leave them in their current state, not sure what other parts are going to drop off...

The many redecoes...