Friday, 5 June 2020

MP-2 MP-4 Commander Package

A quick review of a 3rd party accessory package by Artist Toys. Also known as "MP2 Package MP4 Roller Dreams Will Come True" (not exactly sure what dreams will this package fulfill), it contains a roller, a fuel pump and hose; and a rifle. So, if your Masterpiece Optimus Prime, Ultra Magnus or Nemesis Prime is missing any of its accessories, this serves as an upgrade or replacement kit for them as well.

(front and back of the box)

Unboxing it now...

yes! I got the silver set...duhhh...

... and after removing the plastic cover...

... let's put the rifle in the hand of Optimus Prime...

... and there we have it, an upgrade for Optimus Prime!

"I'm ready to do battle with the Decepticons!"

Looks like I need to re-arrange my shelf all over again... this time, to accommodate Roller.

Bumblebees to Roller : "you're not yellow!"

I know it's a bit cramped but there is still room for a few more Bees... stay tuned!