I shall then continue my nostalgic walk down memory lane, yet again...this time with the 1984 Generation One (G1) Optimus Prime...
Back - 1984 by Hasbro Bradley, after Hasbro acquired Milton Bradley
Printed and manufactured in Japan, something you don't see nowadays...
Empty box
Cab and trailer - quite similar with the TRU version, only with longer smokestacks
Chrome and stickers still look excellent
Bottom of trailer - Takara Co. Ltd. 1980,1982, Hasbro 1980, 1982
Yes, Prime comes with a holographic rubsign
Booklets, instruction manual, catalogue
Hmmm...G1 or G2? Which Optimus Prime series (or generation) is better, relatively speaking? You would need to decide this on your own. Maybe you would prefer TF Prime instead? :P
G1 Optimus Prime (top), G2 Optimus Prime (bottom)